Hugmar software
Software Overview
Hugmar Framework (HF) is browser based and IBM i Integrated Language Environment (ILE) application development tool-set that allows re-engineering of business processes and the creation of state of the art applications that interact and co-exist with remaining legacy applications logically. The development of the tool aimed at helping small and medium-sized companies in re-engineering their ILE based applications into state of the art web solutions and still have the full advantage of using the IBM Power System. The tool takes into account both the client and the server on the web as it has a built-in library of web components that employs open-source Dojo.
For the server, the tool is generated from fully free modules of RPG source code that are in well-structured base templates and bound to a set of Service Programs (SP). The RPG source modules generated in HF are second-level templates which are customizable and enhanced to fit any functionality with no limitations through the use of IBM-RDI and/or other workbenches. The HF requires the IBMi V7R3 or newer platforms in its generation. It makes the development more powerful and much easier when it comes to management.
In making the development more powerful and much easier when it comes to management.
Extensive functiOnality
The Service Programs have extensive functionality that includes the following:
Retrieval and Journaling of Database
Excel Write or Read for .xlsl and .xls formats
JSON Parsers/Constructors, with connectivity to Open Source scripts such as JavaScript and Python etc.
Object management- Object and Files promotion in development and production stages
API wrappers for Data Queues, User Spaces, Work Management, IFS, Database, and IBMi Objects
SQL Call Level Interface- advanced functionality of SQL
The Hugmar Framework
Hugmar Framework adopts its architectural patterns from the Model-View-Controller patterns, and it effortlessly integrates with the majority of the modern open-source frameworks in web development. The tool uses Dojo Toolkit as the default open-source framework. The server side of the tool is written in ILE. It employs several advanced features of ILE language, including IBM APIs in accessing system functions, Data Queues, Integrated Files System, User Spaces, wrappers for Java, HTTP for Web Access, and SQL-Call Level Interface. The tool also supports the existing practices in IBM programming, such as Rational Tools of ILE applications. It comes with numerous practical examples of the development of modern advanced ILE applications.
The Hugmar Framwork architecture has three components
three components
The three components enable HF to assist businesses in the adoption of new technology while the legacy of their systems remains intact. It supports working together with the client and the server programmers in the accomplishment of business goals. Solutions developed through HF are much more likely to have quick and easy access with increased integrity of the data as well as visibility. In doing so, the tool has a high chance of attracting a wide range of developers and particularly professionals with knowledge on background in open systems.

The objects in the ILE run in subsystem jobs on the IBM i and involve Service programs, Interface Drivers, and Hugmar Web Server Controller and are fortified with multiple API system interfaces. ILE programs developed by the user become part of the Hugmar Service Programs.

Open-source Dojo Toolkit is used by the default web client and is executable from both the cloud and the IFS, depending on the preference of the user.

Hugmar service functions, XML and JSON parsers are embedded in subsystem QHTTPSVR of IBM®HTTP server which acts as the middleware and is default installation of IBM i